Qlucore Newsletter: More than 180 peer-review articles have been published referencing Qlucore

Qlucore Omics Explorer has always been very popular for publications as the visual approach makes it simple to generate great results and present them well. A wide selection of plot types and configuration options helps the user to do this.

Each year we have seen an increase in published articles of over 75%, but we would like to increase that figure even more! Let us know what plot types and configurations that you are looking for. Let us know how we can make it easier for you. E-mail your suggestions to qlucoreinfo@qlucore.com.

The publications span a broad number of areas, from different types of human data such as digital gene expression (RNA-seq), gene expression, microRNA, proteins and DNA methylation to data from plants such as potatoes and vines for wine making. Studied diseases include, for example, many types of cancer, diabetes, and tuberculosis.

Examples of high impact journal papers include: Immunity, Cancer cell, Cancer Discovery and PNAS.

Have a look at the full list of publications on Products | References.